Greetings from Learn As We Grow!
It has been quite a while since my last post. We've not been doing too much to write about but I did want to update with some of our harvesting from this week.
Our potatoes did pretty well this year. The red potatoes yielded more per pound planted but the kennebecs had pretty good numbers even with having to throw several away due to rotting. Usually moles are the major problem with our potatoes but this year with the long stretches of wet weather, rot was more of a problem.
The decorative gourds did pretty well for the first year. I have birdhouse gourds, big apple gourds, bushel gourds, and another kind. I'll be hanging them soon and hoping they cure out over the next few months so I can try my hand at decorating them. I had read that you could use wood carving and burning tools on cured gourds so I planted these with that in mind.
I pulled the last of my peppers off today. Over the next couple of days, I'll dry and freeze some for winter/spring use. I still have two jalapeno plants to pick from so I hope to have a few more pints of pickled jalapenos soon.
These weeds are Jerusalem Artichokes (or sunchokes). I planted them last year inside a tire to try and contain their growing area but TH threw out the tire and plowed the area up. They loved that and have taken over a corner of the garden. I found some recipes for them in a magazine this month and will be trying them out on the family soon. I'll let you know how that goes!
Hope everyone is having a plentiful harvest! We are very blessed to have some food to put away and we are very thankful to God for it.