The calves were successfully moved to the big barn yesterday. The Hubbie, The Hubbie's brother, and our dear friend Misplaced Hippie Man (MHM for short) worked very hard Saturday afternoon to make it happen. The electric to the barn needed to be repaired and then the ancient hay and miscellaneous items that have been residing in the needed area had to be removed. I was able to help some but was mainly used as a go-fer which I didn't mind as I was just happy to be outside working. (Special thanks to The Meme for watching Princess1 and Princess2 for us!)
Transferring the calves from one field to the other proved to be a little tricky. The Hubbie and MHM teamed up to move "Stupid" (The Hubbie named the calves for us) and The Hubbie's brother and I worked on trying to move "Steak". I ended up with the better team as The Hubbie's brother got tired of trying to coax the calf to move and resorted to picking it up and carrying it.
The Hubbie called upon his "I-know-a-guy" super power again to have a friend come out and give the calves their vaccines and give us some pointers.
This morning's feeding went well. The calves jumped up when they saw us coming which is always a good sign. "Steak" ate his bucket well and "Stupid" ate some of his and covered The Hubbie with the rest. The Hubbie would also like to add that all the articles of calf rearing neglect to warn men that they should keep their guard up during feedings.
We cleared out the goat shed from the calves' sleep over and spread out new bedding. The goats were very happy with being freed and put on quite the show with their midair gymnastics. The momma goat "Snowball" is still mad at us for the cow fiasco and is keeping her distance but all is forgiven with the others.
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