The large plant in back is the eggplant. It was the last one they had and when I asked how much they wanted for it, they let me have it for free. I had planted some eggplant seeds but I hope this plant will give us a few early ones. I am getting a late start on my cabbage and broccoli but I have a shady spot reserved for them. Hopefully, it will not get too hot for them.
I did get to visit a few yard sales this weekend. The best buy was a Star Wars cake pan that I bought for $.75. I checked it out online and ended up selling it for $25. Turns out it was a vintage Wilton pan from 1983. The $25 will give me a little extra money for when I go out "junkin'". I also bought a small loaf pan that I gave to my mom to use and a new wire whisk for myself. The Princesses taught me that when you fold out all the layers of a whisk, it makes a pretty design though you can never get it put back quite right.
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