It's been an interesting few days here on the farm. We had a thunderstorm roll through that caused some damage to the garden. Most noticeably to the corn.
We have discovered the best bratwurst topping in the world. For Independence day, we grilled out and I was thinking how I could sneak some squash and zucchini into the meal. I brought a cast iron skillet out to the grill and warmed up some olive oil and just a touch of margarine. To that I added diced squash, zucchini, red onion, a garlic clove, and two sliced hot hungarian wax peppers. I cooked the brats and the topping side by side and they finished at the same time. We put the brat in the bun, added a stripe of mustard down the middle, and then loaded the topping. It was UNBELIEVABLY GREAT!
TH says he has eaten a lot of brats from the big cities in his day but that these were the best he had ever tasted. He ate two and a half and I managed one and a half myself!
We have been picking beans this week. I received my dream canner as an 11th anniversary gift from TH and am now waiting for the high btu burner we ordered to get here so I can use it outside. I made the mistake of trying it out on my kitchen stove last night and didn't think I was ever getting to bed. It was almost 1:30 am when I finally got to lay down after starting around 6:30 pm. I also ran into the problem of my lid sticking which I already knew was a possibility through my research of the canner. A slight pry with then end of a claw hammer and the lid popped right off.
We still have two rows of beans to pick and can for this first picking session.
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