After a few years of deliberating, TH and I finally decided to add some guineas to our farm. They are supposed to be wonderful for pest control and predator alerts. I'm hoping they will eliminate our need for pesticides in the garden. We are still making the final decisions about where they will be trained to house. We know they may choose to roost in the trees but we hope to have them know where safe shelter will be for bad weather.
We found an ad on Craigslist for a lady nearby who offered guinea keets for sale. We went yesterday evening to bring these little darlings home. It's hard to believe that such cute little fluff balls turn into guineas. We are looking forward to their antics and to a lot less ticks.
The lady we bought them from was a very knowledgeable woman. She took extra time to answer any questions we had. She also gave us four Barnevelder eggs for us to try and hatch. If they do hatch, it will add some new blood to our Barnevelders and might allow us to bring up a young rooster to serve along Roy our older rooster.
I didn't get to very many yard sales this week. I did find a painting at a junk shop that I love.
This painting is special to me because it was painted by my great uncle. We had only one of his paintings hung in our living room and this one will be a nice addition to it. When I saw it across the shop, I thought it looked very similar to ours and was very happy to see his name signed on the corner. I know it is a thousand wonders that I came across it and felt that I needed to buy it and bring it home. I paid $10 for it which was my limit but feel it was well worth it. The man in the shop asked if my great uncle's paintings went for a lot of money and I told him they may not be worth a penny to anyone else but it was important to me. He was glad to hear my connection to the painting and told me that they got in an auction or sale in Virginia. It's funny how things come about.
We have a couple of other projects in the works I hope to blog about next week. We are working on a homemade incubator and I just bought a small tiller to use in the garden.
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