Or trying to at least. At the moment they are winning. We had some really good rainfall this week and the garden has gone into overdrive. This also means the weeds are growing fast and furiously! I hope to get out the tiller today and do some damage control.
I had won a photo contest a month or so ago and still had a little money left over. I wanted to buy something that I would have a long time so it didn't seem like I had nothing to show for the win. TH was going to a Stihl dealer to look at a weedeater to replace our old one that was literally falling apart. I tagged along and fell in love with a Stihl tiller on the showroom floor. I whispered to TH to see what kind of deal we could get if we bought his trimmer and the tiller together. We didn't get too much of a discount off the purchase price, but TH kept asking for free stuff and we got a couple of little things to go with our purchases. They also had a deal that if you bought Stihl oil, they would extend your warranty to four years. We went for that as we don't have the best track record with outdoor power equipment. Hopefully, by buying a quality product, we'll have better luck this time.
I had received an old, small tiller a few years ago from freecycle. We worked on that thing every year but never could get it to run just right and once it did run well enough, it started leaking gas. MHM likes to tinker with those things and I also had picked up a vintage Vitamix blender at an estate sale the MHM really liked. TH was able to work out a trade and we were able to barter the tiller and blender for a utility trailer he had been wanting for quite a while. TH plans to enclose the sides and use the trailer to haul trash and the occasional goat. It is too high for loading cattle though, so that problem is lurking in the back of our minds.
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